Monday, October 8, 2007

My prayers go out....................

Dear Blog:
Another widow in my circle of neighbors/friends. His suffering is over which we can thank God for - now his family's suffering get increased.

The book that I am currently reading starts out: "Without having seen him you love him, though you do not now see him you believe in him and rejoice with exalted joy."

Nothing at this time brings joy or peace in the life of the family left behind. The pain is the same if there is a long illness or a sudden parting.
There is resentment on both sides of the loss: One family got to say their good byes, knew that it was coming, got to spend many last hours together, got to get affairs in order. The other family didnt have to see their loved one suffer, see the pain that also cause the family pain, didnt have the expenses of the illness.
Both families have to go through the same steps of grieving and loss: WHY, anger, whe didnt I, what if, why, should have done, why didnt he, we could have, why couldnt the doctors, resentment, guilt, more anger, why him, how am I going to go on..........................

The worse thing to say to someone is " I know how you feel" NO you dont, no one knows because every relationship is different and everyone goes through the grieving in a different order.

So, Dear Blog, I am sending prayers to all the 14+ familes that are in my circle of family/friends, that have loss in their lives in the last 25 months.

May they find peace sometime during their days and weeks.
Okay, Dear Blog, enough of that kind of blogging. Hopefully no more losses in a long time.

My DCBGF should be back home today after being away for 4 - yes four - days and we need a long phone call.
Speaking of phone calls, I wonder why I havent heard from the DH of the dog sitter? We talked about meeting in AR this month but she had to dog sit, so there was gong to be long hours of talking into the night.
I know that I missed talking to both of my DFs.
I do get to talk to some pretty sexy, younger men during the day. Of course some are married and they some call me MOM but it is still fun. Business only.. yeah right.. nothing naughty because we could be listened to.
I need to start my DF, who wants to take me 'shopping', on long phone calls after her kids go to bed.
My movie DF works at night when I am home. But we email every day. So I do get to keep up on his life.
So enough for one night.............I have talked your ear off.

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