Saturday, September 13, 2008

Not on track

I have not gotten back to you, Dear Blog, because there has been so much going on.
I finally got back to walking for a couple of days and did get my 3 miles in and didnt realise how much I missed the walking.
Then on the 8th I became a grandmother again and that has been much more important. Taking care of my DD and her DD and her older DD was the tops for me.
But I am back on schedule now and am going to get back to it. Today is a new day, even though it is raining and raining and raining. I will not melt, unfortunately, so I am going to go to a boring track that is only 1/4 mile and do a mile on it before I hit the longer harder track. The one that I particularly like is partially under water.
Sheldon is not doing well so we wont be walking together for awhile. He has some back problems, some kid problems and lost he companion. No not his wife, his puppy of 14 years. There is nothing more special to come home to someone who loves you unconditionally, be happy when you come home and will miss you when you leave. But you can only get that day in and day out with a puppy. You will get all the kisses you can stand, will want all the attention you can give and still want more, and wont want to leave your side. Who could ask for more than that.
My wounds are healing but my knees are not good. I think I am going to have to have them looked at. They dont hurt unless I go to kneel down and then the pain is unbearable. There are still a lot of bruising but the open sores are healing fast. A special friend recommended some wonderful suave to use on them.
So for now, know that I am getting after it again today and hope to keep it up along with keeping you up every day.

Grateful for:
babies, as they make the world a better place
mothers, as everyone should have one that cares
friends, to keep you going
Dr Pepper, to keep you going
water, to keep your body going
puppies, to keep you loved

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